She Hath Done What She Could in the Home

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Target practical after-Christmas!

Don't forget to look in regular aisles - I got only the practical things I would use everyday - the things that are patterned for xmas go on sale!
Paper Plates
Napkins (nice dinner napkins - had no xmas except the packaging)
Coffemate creamers ($.98)
Hefty hot/cold cups $1.24 for 60
Flannel sheets king ($9.99)
Turbo Cranium for gift ($9.99)
Dish rags 3 for $1.50
Dish towels (not really xmas looking -just pretty patterns) 4 for $1.50
Press and seal wrap 2 for $2.49
Ziploc bags $1.24
Tape 4 pack (1400 inches) $1.49


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