She Hath Done What She Could in the Home

Saturday, May 29, 2010

We're Back!!

We are back from a week in the woods at Yosemite! I LOVE it there! Our goal was to hike Half Dome - the whole family - but the cables weren't up yet and the trail was closed! Bummer. We will go back later in the year and try again! We did Upper Yosemite which was 7.2 miles round trip and straight up granite rock steps for miles! It took us 6 hours. Sore!!! I will post pictures later - too busy this weekend.

We still have the backpacking trip ahead of us, and it will be a real challenge for me! I am a major germ-a-phobe so I will be stepping WAY out of my comfort zone - for the better I hope! If I think camping opens my eyes, I have a feeling the backpacking trip will floor me.

There is nothing like a week in the woods to make you realize how very little you need. It always gives me a boost and it's a very fitting way to end my Keep Your Money May challenge! My desire for things and wish lists diminish amongst the beauty of nature, the simplicity of life without technology and the sheer vastness of quality time with my family.
Hoping you all enjoy a wonderful Memorial Day weekend with your family!


  1. I want to go to Yosemite!! Glad you had fun. Enjoy your long weekend.

  2. Welcome back! Sounds like you and the fam had a wonderful time. Have a good weekend and look forward to seeing some more of the beautiful scenery of yours.

  3. Peggy,

    Have you ever read "Gifts from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh? She went and stayed at the beach by herself and wrote about how satisfying it was to decorate the windowsill with seashells or to hang a simple piece of driftwood and how she saw the need to be as satisfied and simplistic in her life upon returning home. Great read and reminiscent of your comments here.
