I've been MIA as I took a whirlwind trip home. You see, my dad is on hospice, and the nurses didn't think he was going to make it. My siblings and I all went home (my sister lives there) to be with our dad. As it turns out, he got over the pneumonia and pulled through. He has lung disease, so he struggles to breathe everyday. Any little virus or bacteria make breathing nearly impossible for him. I am so happy my friend, Naomi, used her airline benefits to fly me home in a flash. What would we do without caring, helpful friends? I am grateful.
It was hard to go home under these circumstances, but wonderful to be together as a family. So many memories together. And I pray God blesses my mother, who constantly and sacrificially cares for my ill father. She won't even leave his side to go to the store. She is a strong person, I've always thought so, but I still see it in action even now at her age of 77.
Life is uncertain. We never know when God will call us home. We don't know why my dad is still living, when the nurses say all other patients they know in his condition, don't last. I marvel when I look back at the changes he made upon becoming a Christian. He gave up cursing, smoking and drinking cold turkey. He faithfully attended all services of the church. He worked as a greeter and organizer each service. He used his talents for the Lord. He taught us to give. Even before we were taught the truth, dad led by example in praying at each meal, giving God thanks for our blessings, buying us Bibles and instilling in us a reverence and love for our Creator. I always think that's why it was easy for our family to obey the Gospel once we were taught, because dad & mom taught us to respect God from an early age.
Perhaps Dad still has more work to do on earth before he goes home to heaven. That is our greatest comfort, knowing that we can all be together again in that Great Day.

Peggy, I am so happy to hear your dad pulled through. God and angels were looking over him and your family. Times like those make us appreciate everything! Heather
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you were able to spend time with your family and that your dad is doing better now! I'm glad you're back. The internet is not the same without you. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad your dad has recovered.
ReplyDeleteGetting together with family is always a good thing, no matter what the circumstances!
Sometimes times of crisis are when we really bond more than ever
We missed you, Peggy! How wonderful that you were able to go be with your family during your dad's crisis. My grandpa recently had a bout of pneumonia that the doctors predicted would claim his life - and yet, he pulled through, as well. Those old guys are tough! :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad your dad recovered! And it's amazing people like him and how strong they are that really make you in awe. My grandma was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 3 years ago. Like your dad, people with that diagnosis don't last long. She fought for 3 hard years until she passed away 2 months ago. To see how she fought and how brave and strong she was,for 3 YEARS, changed my entire outlook on life. You did the absolute right thing by dropping everything to be with him because although I moved in with her and took care of her for the last 6 months of her life, it wasn't time enough. It never seems like enough time when it's someone you love. I am soo happy for you that you have more time with your dad. Love him with all of your being!
High Heels and Training Wheels
Prayers for you and your family sweet girl - meet your 300th follower ;0)
ReplyDeleteHi Peggy,
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I would like to say that your family has been in my prayers. I have been reading your blog since 2009, and I LOVE IT! I'm writing to you to ask a question. In some of your outfit posts in 2012, you were wearing the Target Mossimo owl sweater. Every since I had seen that sweater, I have been trying to find it. I have not had any luck whatsoever. I also have been following you on instagram and I have noticed you were selling some of your clothes. I was wondering, could you sell me your sweater? I need this sweater so badly, and I would honestly love you forever if you sold it to me.
Please consider!
Can you email me aysha?
DeleteSure, what's your email?
Deletecan you use the contact form at the top? thanks.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have a great family!
ReplyDeleteIf you get a chance, please vote for me in the Wallis contest. xo http://bit.ly/15vLhMj