She Hath Done What She Could in the Home

Friday, February 8, 2008

Super Saving Saturday - $132 of FREE food!

I'm trying to stay on track for my Eating from the Pantry in February and this week I feel so blessed by what I was able to do with our food budget.  

Using the $3.00 Jennie-O coupons I had, I got 18 packages (only took a pic of 6) of assorted turkey products (burgers, lean ground turkey, breakfast sausage, italian flavored ground turkey) for FREE!  The value of those 18 packages is $80.82!
After buying the turkey, a Catalina generated at Safeway for FREE Juicy Juice! (value $2.59)

I had a $6 coupon at Target for any item so I bought Organic Milk for $5.99.

This week I got my Costco rebate check for $42 - I was able to buy several needed items including Organic Ground Beef at $3.99 a pound (so happy to find that!), organic tomatoes, bananas, popcorn for our air popper (our new frugal way of eating popcorn) and tortilla chips (other frugal snack) and I took the $11 change and went to Trader Joe's and got Organic Apples and yogurt.  

We went by the local consignment shop today and sold some items and took $22 store credit (we got a game and art paper) and $22 cash which I can save to use for future grocery needs like milk, bread or eggs.


  1. Did you know about the Sara Lee deal going on with Safeway? I just wanted to make sure. I have bought a TON of sausage, bacon and meats for our freezer. If you don't know check out:


  2. Wow, what great deals. We are eating from our pantry as well this month. I am not sure how long we can go as it is getting empty quick!

  3. Peggy-
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, as far as braces, our oldest has been going to the orthodontist for several years (obvious overbite and spacing issues) but hadn't lost enough baby teeth until recently to actually start braces. I would start asking around for a general cost of braces in your area. For us it was around $6000, but we live in the DC area, when we lived in WV it would have been about $3500. We currently have a 7 year old who will need braces next. I have taken the cost of braces and then divided that by the amount of months we have left until he will need them (probably about 30 months) So we are currently saving about $75 a month for orthodontics. For our oldest, we didn't start saving early enough so the last several months (after we became debt free) we put every spare penny in the braces fund so we could pay cash and get a discount. Hope that helps.
