As Christians, there are many ways we can "Say What We Need to Say":
1. "Say what you need to say" to your family.
As a mother we have a direct responsibility to our own children and husband. What does your manner of life say to them? Do you wake up complaining about the million things you have to do for them - cleaning, laundry, groceries, cooking? Do you point out everyone's faults within the household - "how many times do I have to tell you........." Are you a meek and gentle spirit (I Peter 3:4) serving your family with gladness? God has placed such an opportunity within our hands in the everyday, mundane, day-in, day-out schedules of life. What are you saying to your loved ones? (Prov. 24:3, Prov. 22:6, 3 John 1:4, Titus 2:4)
2. "Say what you need to say" in everyday life with friendship evangelism. Talk about Christ and what He has done for you in your life to your friends. Speak of the Bible and the blessings you enjoy as a Christian. Extend invitations to your home and to church services. Offer to study the Bible with them. You can even mention the church to everyday acquaintances like the clerk at the grocery store or the server at McDonald's. You never know who is looking for the Truth and you just may open a door to further study. There is a line in the song that says "It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say". How true. How better that we spoke of Christ, the church and eternity in Heaven than to never have mentioned His name.
3. "Say what you need to say" without saying anything at all!
Be an example. You have heard the saying "You may be the only Bible some people ever read". Make your example a good one in word, work, attitude, dress, hospitality, helpfulness, and service to others. Exhibit qualities that make you stand out - we should be different from the world (Rom 12:2). (I Pet. 3:1, I Tim. 4:12)
4. "Say what you need to say" to children.
As a mother you will have a unique opportunity to influence the lives of your children's friends. Treat them with kindness, take opportunities to teach them Biblical principles in every day situations. Extend an invitation to church services or youth programs.
5. "Say what you need to say" - but know when to speak little.
The Book of Proverbs is filled with scriptures that praise the person who knows how to say little. Oh how hard it is to hold our tongue. Do you need to comment on everything? Do you need to critique the preacher's sermons, the song leader's song choice or the Bible class teacher's methods each week? Do you need to correct your Christian sisters in matters of expediency? In matters of the tongue, most times "Less is more". (Prov. 17:27, Prov. 18:13, Prov. 10:19)
6. "Say what you need to say" - but learn to listen.
Listen to God daily through His Word. Listen to the wise words of those in the Faith. Listen to your children who so badly need to be heard by their mother. Really listen, don't just give an ear while you are attending to other chores. Make listening a priority especially for those in your family. Deborah Tannen, Author and Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University says, "To say that a person feels listened to means a lot more than just their ideas get heard. It's a sign of respect. It makes people feel valued." (James 1:19, Prov. 5:7)
In whatever way is applicable to you, start saying what you need to say today!
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