She Hath Done What She Could in the Home

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 5 - Keep Your Money May.....Returns and Expenditures

I had some items I decided to return to Target today. Everything was a return except one item I did not have a receipt for that did not show up in the computer, so I had to take it back with me. I will either loose the pounds to wear it or ship it to my sister!

Total Returns back to my card:$42.31
Total Returns on gift card: $12.01

So I used my Gift Card to buy:
2 boxes Granola Bars for hubby (on sale and $1 coupon) $2.38
Organic Milk half-gallon: $3.54
Total: $5.92

Then I finally mailed my last giveaways out: $3.80
Got some groceries: $7.77

Groceries: $13.69 (only $7.77 out of pocket)
Postage: $3.80
Total Spent Today: 11.57
Total for Month: $43.24

Not shabby. I haven't even showered yet today. I worked out once in the morning doing Pilates, then a mile hike up the mountain. Then our teacher came to meet with the kids for review, during which time I baked a gluten-free cake. Then more cooking, cleaning, school, trying to come up with a dinner from the ingredients I have on hand. Then I did 5 miles on the elliptical, so I now need to get ready for church. Not spending is a lot of work!

I googled garbanzo beans because I had a can of those and some potatoes. So tonight we are having this Easy Chickpea Curry with peanut rice (I used my last cup of rice and last of the peanuts to make). I just took a bite- it's absolutely delicious! Eating from my pantry is GOOD!

I'm learning a lot already from my little experiment. I'm learning true appreciation for what we have and what we take for granted daily. I told my kids it's hard being in the grocery and having to put back the yogurt, because $.50 a cup is too much. It's hard coming up with things people actually want to eat from what you have on hand. It really, really makes me think of those who are less fortunate than I..........really makes me feel a little bit of what they must feel on a daily basis (on a very small scale, not that I can even really know the trials and stress of poverty in America).

Does anyone remember that scene in The Pursuit of Happyness, where the mom is cleaning up the dinner table? She puts back every scrap of food they didn't eat in a Tupperware and pours the Kool-aid from the USED cups back into the pitcher. That scene has stayed with me and I've thought of it over and over as I scrape food into the trash can after dinner. They were so poor, they couldn't throw away a scrap of food or a bit of drink. Wow.

It's been good to take a spending hiatus, step back and think.


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