She Hath Done What She Could in the Home


I am Peggy, the author of She Hath Done What She Could. I began styling outfits at the age of 10, when I would lay in bed at night, staring into my closet, dreaming up different clothing combinations for outfits to wear to school the next day! 

I enjoy wearing many hats consisting of wife, mom, homeschool teacher, Bible class teacher and part-time commercial real estate employee.

I love reading and gathering ideas from high fashion designer blogs,  and I use that inspiration to re-create and style outfits from clothing that can be purchased at every day stores like Target, ROSS, H and M, Forever 21 and the like! On this blog you will see  every day outfits showing you can be stylish and on "trend" without breaking the bank.

Top priority in my life is being a Christian. 

Where clothing is concerned, two things are important to me:
1. My clothing is modest.  You can be "in style" and modest at the same time. 
2. My clothing fits the budget.  You can be stylish and budget conscious all at the same time!