She Hath Done What She Could in the Home

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

NO Spend May!

Hello Blog Friends! I haven't had much time for blog reading of late, so I feel out of the loop. I am following some of you on Instagram. I really miss some of my blog friends, but time just doesn't allow for my endless blog list reading of late. 

Some of you may recall I did a "Keep Your Money May" way back when in 2010! I've joined up with some Instagram friends to do a no spend on clothing and accessories in May. Truth be told, I could dress out of my closet for more than a month and probably never wear the same thing twice (this is a fact I am proud of and not so proud of - bought it all dirt cheap, but still overkill!) So during May I will work on making my closet work and pare down what doesn't work! I've already shared many clothes with my friends at church and I've sold a few here and there online. 


Instagram is great, but it's terrible for feeding your "WANT" monster! I promise, daily, there is something adorable someone wears that is available at a retailer near me for and affordable price! I will try to keep the IG inspiration flowing, by using "like" items I already own. Can I do it? I don't know. The first email I got this morning was for Very Jane and a Jcrew knock-off Fan Necklace I've been wanting for months. Did I buy it? NOPE - but only because it was SOLD OUT! What if it was available? I probably could have justified a way to get it in my mind. 

The point is to try to STOP completely and be content with what I already have. End of story. Watch and see how it pans out............


  1. Good luck to you! I announced a similar shopping ban to my Husband the other day. I was so happy to announce that I hadn't bought a single thing for myself for two weeks and I wondered if he had noticed less spending. Alas, no. He hadn't even noticed. He will though! I am going to keep at it!

  2. Good luck to you and your shopping ban
    I find once I get through the first week of a ban I can do pretty well

  3. Good luck with your shopping ban. I think about doing that but I haven't tried it yet. I find that if I keep busy with other things and stay out of stores, I spend less. But when shopping is also a hobby, it's hard to do. Keep us informed on your progress. You may inspire me yet!
    Heather from Friendship, Life and Style

  4. Good luck! That's a tall order! :)

  5. Well people always tend to purchase things they don’t need because of trends, marketing, and many other reasons, and the women always do this. It’s a good thing you are trying to stop spending so much, it will be hard. I admire the fact that you shared your old clothes.

    Professional Doctorate-Key Facts
